Using `DerivingVia` to magically derive instances

September 10, 2022

This short post is part of the Practical Haskell Bits initiative. Visit the repository to find out more real-world examples like this.

Imagine we have defined a typeclass for communicating with some external API.

class ExternalAPI m where
  getExternal :: ExternalThingId -> m ExternalThing

We define some abstract implementation:

getExternalImpl ::
  MonadIO m =>
  ExternalThingId ->
  m ExternalThing
getExternalImpl = ...

And add an instance to our application monad:

instance ExternalAPI AppM where
  getExternal = getExternalImpl

But what if we need an instance of ExternalAPI for some other monad as well?

instance ExternalAPI AnotherAppM where
  getExternal = getExternalImpl

This is not too terrible, but now every time we change the ExternalAPI interface, we need to change the instance definitions as well. Also, we need to export and depend on implementation details such as getExternalImpl, which is error prone and can quickly get tedious.

Using DerivingVia, we can make this a lot more elegant.

Let’s define 2 abstract implementations for ExternalAPI: one mocked for testing, and one real one for production

-- Mocked implementation
newtype MockedExternalAPI m a = MockedExternalAPI (m a)

instance (MonadIO m) => ExternalAPI (MockedExternalAPI m) where
  getExternal externalId = MockedExternalAPI $ do
    liftIO $ putStrLn $ "Called mocked getExternal with id " <> show externalId <> "..."
    pure ExternalThing
  postExternal _ = MockedExternalAPI $ do
    liftIO $ putStrLn "Called mocked postExternal..."
    pure 1

-- "Real" implementation
newtype RealExternalAPIClient m a = RealExternalAPIClient (m a)

instance (MonadIO m) => ExternalAPI (RealExternalAPIClient m) where
  getExternal externalId = RealExternalAPIClient $
    liftIO $ do
      putStrLn $ "Calling real API with id " <> show externalId <> "..."
      threadDelay $ 1000 * 500 -- Half a second
      pure ExternalThing

  postExternal _ = RealExternalAPIClient $
    liftIO $ do
      putStrLn "Posting to the real API..."
      threadDelay $ 1000 * 500
      pure 123

Things have become a tad more abstract.

We have defined two wrappers: MockedExternalAPI and RealExternalAPIClient and said that if the inner m has a MonadIO instance, we can give back an ExternalAPI implementation.

Now for our application monads we can do

-- The real application monad that handles your business logic
newtype AppM a = AppM {runAppM :: IO a}
  deriving (ExternalAPI) via (RealExternalAPIClient AppM)

-- A monad that you use for testing
newtype TestAppM a = TestAppM {runTestAppM :: IO a}
  deriving (ExternalAPI) via (MockedExternalAPI TestAppM)

This clears up a few things:

  1. We don’t need to depend on implementation details such as getExternalImpl.
  2. We have reduced boilerplate.
  3. We don’t need to change every instance site when we change the ExternalAPI interface.
demo :: IO ()
demo = do
  runAppM externalAPIAction
  runTestAppM externalAPIAction
    externalAPIAction ::
      Monad m =>
      ExternalAPI m =>
      m ()
    externalAPIAction = do
      void $ getExternal 123
      void $ postExternal ExternalThing

You can find the complete example here.

This short post is part of the Practical Haskell Bits initiative. Visit the repository to find out more real-world examples like this.

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Written by Dobromir Nikolov , who's still wondering why people pay him to make software. You should check them out on GitHub

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